Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Beat them at their own game

Each state has a different set of rules for health insurance. The strictest state can be Florida . Getting a Florida health insurance may be compared to getting yourself through the eye of a needle. Their health insurance offers are often expensive, making them available to only a select few despite everyone’s need to own such a plan. Furthermore, they prioritize healthy persons to give out health insurance plans to. It may sound mean, but that’s the way it is when you reside in Florida . If you are more than interested in owning an individual health insurance at Florida , you may want to consider employing a health insurance broker who will help you find a suitable plan for you no matter how hard it would take to get you through. National Health Insurance Brokers is a company that concerns on your financial fallback should illness pay you a visit.

1 comment:

Gerard S. Denys said...

I run a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Contracted General Agency in Florida. I have to strongly disagree with the comments that health insurance is unaffordable and hard to get. We offer plans that are very reasonably priced. Insurance is only difficult to get if you wait too long to get it. What I mean by this is that you can't wait until you are sick and then expect to go buy insurance. That isn't insurance at that point, it is public assistance. You need to get covered while you are healthy. You would not expect Allstate to write you a policy on your newly crashed car. If you want to get the truth about Florida health insurance and how much it really cost, please contact our agency. You can call us at 800-946-3303 or visit our website http://www.berlindenys.com. We also have a blog you can visit at http://berlindenysbluecross.blogspot.com/